Artist, podcast host, teacher, writer, and photographer on a mission to inspire through creativity and education. Masters Degree in civil engineering from NC State University, with additional knowledge in energy auditing, ayurveda, and wellness coaching. From engineering to teaching wellness, wood crafts to professional photography, my passions know no bounds.

Currently, as a full-time Innovation/Maker Space teacher at
Tessellations, I am sparking curiosity and nurturing creativity in gifted students with diverse mindsets. Through a unique program integrating SEL and STEAM, I encourage creative problem-solving and engineering design processes. The engineer in me tinkers, the artist in me inspires, and together we empower young minds to bring their imaginations to life.

As a storyteller, I share Hindi stories through my podcast Kahani! These stories are written by various authors and are from various parts of the world.  I narrate stories that either have touched me in some way or bring a childhood memory for me.  To hear what people are saying about Kahani, make sure you listen to the episodes of Aapke Shabd.  If you are in love with the Hindi language and want to learn it in simplest way, listen to my podcast Bhasha!

Through all these years and exploration, one thing that always enticed me was teaching kids and learning from them! I have found magic around children throughout; I started writing for fun to share my stories with kids around me. The inspiration to write my first story, Monkey Bars, dawned upon me when my older daughter was giving up easily on day to day things. I feel that kids go through a positive learning curve when adults let them experience failures with right guidance and self awareness. As a writer, some stories sprouted from this core thought as I observed children. These
children books are avaialble as digital downloads and prints.

Its a part of me and satisfies my Being at artistic expression level.  I have ventured professionaly into portrait photography and it was fun but my heart comes back to nature, abstract and macro photography. It is art through lens for me. For now its a personal exploration but some of my collection is here for you to view.

I am a student of life and believe in personal growth in everyday. Passionate about personal growth & creative expression through various art forms. From woodworking to watercolors, I have delved into a multitude of crafts with surprise and joy. Currently exploring the world of watercolors and sharing my love for art with students.